Because character-contrast with him increases anyone’s self-esteem!
And why am I supposed to care? * other than Star Trek aliens
He makes Richard Nixon and George W. Bush look good.
‘Cuz she didn’t take anything I didn’t already give her.
The keys to friendship are shared experiences and shared interests. Really? You don’t know any friendships where the two friends…
To become an Honors journalism graduate, you would fare rather well to do a very good job– it takes just…
“The Five W’s, and the H” Who What When Where Why How “Why am I writing this?” to inform? to…
“You were always good for me”. This, from a high-school friend.
22 November 1963, the only event that could shove-aside the death of beloved author and educator C.S. “Jack” Lewis: the…
My years of military service did not help “Make America Great”.