No, not Airman First Class. Rather, Always. In. Crisis.
image © Netflix
EmissionsGate spreads from VW to Audi And Some be riskin’ residence in the Big House image © Condé Nast…
No, not Assistance for Firefighters Grant. Rather, Always. Feeling. Guilty.
You spend your whole life studying for The Exam. Comes old age. Time to take The Exam. Given your study,…
Are you certain, “Lightning never strikes twice“*? * *© Christopher John Hayes / Huey Lewis / John Victor Colla /…
Ya don’ gotta be Jonathan Ames, Lynne Ramsay, or Joaquin Phoenix to feel at least one meaning!
Woo-hoo! Almost finished with the first proof-read of my geographic guide to the Great Patriotic War.
Difficult to accept, and unpleasant, but nonetheless fact: do the right thing, and the nature– or apparent absence– of consequence…